Special Educational Needs

Our Lady’s Bower welcomes girls with additional learning needs. The school, in accordance with our Admissions Policy, caters for girls with a general learning difficulty. It endeavours to provide for their needs by facilitating their participation in Second Level Education.

The school continually seeks to support this specially designed curriculum that incorporates literacy and numeracy skills and personal development. Many students aspire to complete Junior Cycle at Level 3 or at Level 2 (L2LP’s), choosing the programme which best suits their ability. Students within the mainstream classes who have been diagnosed with a specific learning difficulty may receive extra tuition in some subject areas.

Students in mainstream education with a learning impairment can benefit from resources such as interactive whiteboards, individual ipads, video and recording devices and an integrated sound system.

For girls diagnosed with a Physical, Hearing, Visual or Specific learning difficulty Reasonable Accommodations are applied for in Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate from the Department of Education and Skills.

Special Education Team 2022_23

Ms Anne Beades

Ms Diane Windle

Ms Margaret Treacy

Ms Lorraine Kavanagh

Ms Darina Doyle

Ms Annemarie Madden

Ms Karina Jones