Comghairdeas to Emma Fallon, Ellen Brennan and Lea Stehelovawho competed in the regional final of the Gael Linn Irish debating competition on Monday 19th February. The girls debated against the motion “tá córas maith iompair phoiblí in Éirinn”/”The public transport system in Ireland is good”. The girls were commended for their intriguing insights on the topic as well as their high command of the Irish language. The competition marks a very successful end to their debating year. Well done to the girls on the incredible effort they have put into preparing debates as Gaeilge throughout the year.

Our Lady’s Bower Junior Irish Debting Team recently competed in the regional finals of the Gael Linn Comórtas Díospóireachta (L-R) Ms R Mooney, Lea Stehelova, Ellen Brennan, Emma Fallon, Lauren Ní Mhaoleanaigh (Chairperson of the debate).