We recognise the importance of maintaining a regular contact with parents. This is achieved in various ways.
Reports are issued at Christmas and in summer, and also after the Pre-Junior and Pre-Leaving Certificate examinations.
Individual progress reports are issued when the need arises.
Each year group has an annual Parent-Teacher meeting, with two parent-teacher meetings taking place annually for 6th year students.
Year heads monitor the academic progress of girls in their year group.
Parents may be contacted if there is concern about work or behaviour.
Parents may visit the school and speak to teachers by appointment.
Open day allows parents and prospective pupils to visit the school and acquire information and advice about subject choice and school in general.
There is a Coffee Morning for the parents of incoming First Year students on the student’s first day at school. First year students, together with their parents, attend an Induction Evening in June before commencing First Year, and also enjoy a Wellbeing Evening in September.
An Information Evening is held each year for prospective Transition Year girls and their parents.
There is also an information evening for those progressing to Fifth Year, to assist them in their choice of Leaving Certificate subjects.
Our Lady’s Bower has a Parents’ Association for those parents who wish to contribute actively to the life of the school.
Parents are welcome to attend events which take place during the school year, such as the Musical, Sports Day, Christmas concert, School Matches and Public Speaking Finals etc.
Transition year students and their parents attend Transition Year Evening in May.
For Sixth Year students the highlight of the school year is the Graduation Mass.
Since 2004 Our Lady’s Bower has had a Board of Management and two parents are elected to serve on the board from among the parents. Nominations for the parents representatives are underway, with the new board effective from October 16th, 2022.
Parents are invited to participate in online surveys, e.g. in the area of School Self Evaluation. Parental voice is very important to us as we plan and execute.