open mag3 wSaturday, 11 February was International Women in Science Day and while no specific events were held in the school, there are many reasons to be proud of our record. Bower girls have been frequent winners at the annual Young Scientist Exhibition; our most recent success being this year with Julie Ryan and Maeve McMahon’s project on the free travel scheme for older people which won first prize in their category. This was the second time this team won at BTYSE and Julie’s sister Máirín won first prize with her musical saw in the Physics section a few years mag1

Our senior ISTA science quiz team have featured in the winners’ enclosure many times with the school taking first and second place in 2015!

At the annual Scifest fair Our Lady’s Bower has won multiple prizes, including the award for Best School nearly every year and has had a huge participation rate.

science winWe are one of seven schools nationwide to have the benefit of a lab technician which allows us to promote experimental work in the four labs. The uptake for science subjects is very healthy and students are actively encouraged to pursue STEM careers. Last year Bower graduate Sinéad Reidy won an Intel Women in Technology scholarship to pursue her studies in NUIG in this field. Most recently our fifth year chemistry students presented a science magic show on Open Night which went down well with the young audience.

scale the rainbow        btys 8