A Message from the Chairperson
Dear Parents & Guardians,
The Parents’ Association is a great vehicle by which we all can become involved in the school and make the most of our daughters’ education.
There are up to four parent places from each year on the Committee and elections take place at the Annual General Meeting, held in September of each year. Parents can help in lots of other ways too without being on the Committee – offers of help are always welcome e.g. for fundraising activities or assisting with the Musical etc.
Communication between the Parents’ Association Committee and the Members (i.e. all parents and guardians) is by way of our Christmas Newsletter, school notices, email, web-text and the school website.
With your help, Our Lady’s Bower Parents’ Association will be able to continue to offer its support to the school to ensure the continuation of the many and varied activities arranged for our daughters, and the ongoing development of school facilities.
It is also a fantastic opportunity to get to know other parents in an informal way.
Purpose and Aims
The Purpose of Our Lady’s Bower Parents’ Association is
- To promote the formation and development of active school-parent contact.
- To promote liaison between the Parents’ Association and other Bodies, as deemed appropriate.
- To assist in meeting the financial needs of the school through fundraising.
- To assist in career guidance, sporting, musical and extra-curricular activities, where opportunities arise.
Membership of the Parents Association
All parents or guardians of present students in the school are Members of the Parents’ Association.
Parents Association Members 2023_24
Bernie Carew & Roseanne O’Hara
Secretary/Vice Secretary
Jo Moore
Siobhan McCabe
To be confirmed
Board Of Management Nominees
Damian Tiernan
Contact us via our Facebook page Bower Athlone
Some of what we do…..
- We usually meet one a month, during the term time
- We arrange and fund Study Skills sessions for 2nd and 5t years, each year
- We attend and help out functions such as Open Evening and Induction Day
- In the recent past we have funded upgrades to the TY area, funded and organised Yoga classes with Junior Cert pupils
- Meet with the Student Council to discover what interests them and what would encourage them to participate in funding events.
- Funding a Wellness workshop for TY Students facilitate by Mental Health Ireland
- We have a consultative role in the formation of school policies
- Plan to fund Resilience Academy Programme (run by Pieta House)
- We plan to assist with funding for Arts Week
- Gala Quiz