All parents and students were invited to attend the annual summer concert held in the central area in the school on Thursday, 19 May. The concert, organised by music teacher and musical director of the choir Mary Hopkins, was an ideal opportunity to showcase the wealth of musical talent in the school.



The choir treated the audience to well known songs ‘Grace’ (in honour of  the 1916 centenary) ‘Count On Me’ and Adele’s ‘Hello’ while the orchestra , under the baton of Gerry Lacey, played popular pieces ‘Sloop John B’ and ‘Yellow Bird’. Sixth year Eva Barry,  third year Rebecca Armstrong, TY student Jenny Dolan and first year Fionn Yu Yen Ter played instrumental solos on violin and piano.  The finale was ‘Can You Feel The Love Tonight’ by choir and orchestra, a reminder of the very successful Lion King musical before Christmas.


Many thanks to guest accompanists Emily Shine and Catherine Crossen for their valuable contribution to a great musical evening, and to our caterers for the fantastic finger food.

